Forestry Plants, Hedging Plants and Amenity Plants
The production of Forestry plants has increased last decade at Kloosterhuis, in species with provenances for European Forestry Purpose. High standards are met for quality, health, purity and grading of plants and production is under supervision of the Dutch NakTuinbouw. With a large production of hedging plants, shrubs and plants for amenity purpose in seedlings, transplanted and cuttings we can offer complete planting lists.
Large assortments of broadleaf plants in forestry purpose species of different European provenances are produced. Throughout an international network of seed collectors we can offer certified plants with provenances from many countries. Large numbers are available in provenances from Germany, United Kingdom and The Netherlands but also from France, Italy, Ireland and Belgium.
Below you find the maps of German Forestry Provanances by species and a location map of UK: